Wednesday 28 December 2011


It almost 2012 now, sitting in front of my lap top I try to remember my memory in 2011.. Well there were sweet memory and there were bitter one.. In January I believe a sweet month for me, in love with some one and everything look fine.. Even my study and my personal life went well and smoth.. But I'm a coward and didn't have the courage to confess my feeling until it is too late.. My first confession and my first rejection.. Yeah, its hurt but I can live with it because I'm a man.. We remain friend and hopefully always and forever.. Entering semester 3 and I just got my first very own laptop that eventually lead to my bad performance in my study haha.. Yeah, its true.. Nothing much changed in my third semester in UiTM except I did some crazy thing like acting in MARIA short film, participate in "Projek Dewa" and involve in Late Night Water Operation.. It will always stay in my memory ^^
Hopefully semester 4 will be difference and I can enjoy my self in new adventure at UiTM ~