Friday 26 April 2013

Don't Act Single

It hurt so much, I cried so much but it couldn't be compare with what you been through before.. I'm sorry if I became too jealous, but I believe any guy would feel the same if their Girlfriend going out with someone she never been out before, despite any reason. I love you so much, that's why I feel that way, when I say I want to change that is because I was very hurtful, I never cried like this before. On top of that...

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Karma Hit Me

                    It hurt so much when you no longer wish me Good Morning, it hurt so much when I saw you tweeting with other guy despite I knew they were your friend, it hurt me sooooo muchhhhhh when I saw those guy tweeting and retweet your tweet most of the time and fill their timeline with your post. I saw, I stalk because I'm so damn jealous.. I trust you but I don't trust them.. It will hurt me so much when you going out with any of them despite they only your friends. If we get married I will not allowed you to meet them unless I'm with you, I will also must read or hear everything they send or told you, because I'm so damn jealous.

                    I became jealous like this because I love you so much, I don't want to lose you. I know if you read this you will obviously get mad with me but I need to let all out. I can't bear keeping it to myself. If I told you, I'm afraid I will annoyed you..

                   But then again maybe this all punishment for me after what I did to you. Few weeks and months ago you afraid to lose me, you get jealous easily and you ask me to change back to my old self but I refused and treat you badly. Karma hit me now, I learn the pain you felt, I feel what you feel, I'm the one who change you, I responsible for everything. I will take all the blame.

                   You cried many time because of me, but now I'm the one who crying. Yes I'm a guy but because of love I become so weak that I even cried. I felt pain in the chest, pain cause by jealousy and afraid of losing you. I pray to Allah so that we will be unite and I hope you will do the same.

                    I just watched this video from this link just now, it make me cry.. I'm a weak human, after watching this I understand and could felt the pain.. In my weak state I wish I could die like that guy so that I can free my self from all this pain.

Astarfirullah Al'azim, I even think and ask death to free me from this pain when I'm suppose to pray and ask Allah help. Ya Allah ampunilah aku, sesungguhnya aku hamba Mu yang lemah dah mudah jatuh pada godaan syaitan. Andai kata KBT itu jodoh ku maka satukan lah kami di dunia dan Akhirat. Amin.

Friday 7 September 2012

I'm Back :P

               Its been a while, but I'm back hahahah :p Right now I'm happy, really happy, Alhamdulillah , and its was caused by you. Yes you know who you are haha, I'm really happy and I don't think think I ever felt like this before, because thing like this never happen before, believe it or not. Thank you for approving me, thank you for letting me know you everyday and thank you for make me happy :)

Saturday 1 September 2012

Me and Football

          I'm really interested with football, football is my favourite sport in term of entertainment and I really love watching it but when it come to play football or futsal I'm what they call " Kaki Bangku " in BM =.= but despite that I still love football until sometimes I even put Football infront of my study. Such a bad attitude haha.

          My favourite team is Liverpool FC, the five time European Champion and 18 time English Champion despite born in Manchester United Fan Family. Yup my Father and my Brother even my Mother support Manchester United, and I always come in disagrement when talking about football with my Father and Brother. I hate Manchester United but I love my Family and my friend who support MU. Family and Friend come first before football and if I have a Girlfriend, she will also come first before Football, sorry Liverpool haha :P

          My favourite Liverpool match probably the one where we won the match hahaha :P Kidding, My favourite match is when Liverpool lifted the Champions League in 2005, the most amazing comeback in football finale I've ever seen and its all thanks to my favourite player, Captain Fantastic , STEVEN GERRARD , apart from that the epic match when Liverpool destroy Manchester United 1-4 at Old Trafford   also my favourite one.

                 Steven Gerrard Lifted Champions League Trophy in 2005


   History was made in 2005 by Liverpool FC

      Steven Gerrard Celebrate his goal with the rest of the squad

   The Final Scoreline in MU own ground

          When it come to choose who is my favourite player, the answer is simple it was Steven Gerrard, Liverpool Captain, Liverpool number 8 and Liverpool Legend. He is inspiration for all Liverpool Fan and majority of young football player in England and the rest of the world even Zinadine Zidane once said that Steven Gerrard is the best in the world during his peak time and Kaka himself saying if he had to choose the best player in the world he will choose 3 that is Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Steven Gerrard. Another Liverpool Legend , Kenny Daglish , said that Steven Gerrard is the best Liverpool Player ever played for the club and I'm truely agreed. Hopefully Stevie G can lifted Barclays Premier League before he retired.

 Captain Fantastic

    The real live James Bond hahaha

 One of The Best Steven Gerrard Performance recently

          For the past three years Liverpool FC didn't perform really well in the league and hopefully after the 4th manager appointed in three years this season our fortune would be changed. The arrival of new player like Sahin and Allen and the chance given to the yougster such as Sterling and Morgan give me a glimpse of hope. Hopefully Brendan Rodgers can bring Liverpool FC back to the top where they actually belong. YNWA ~

         When it come to my hometown football team, my support will always goes to Sarawak Football Club, our team may relegated to second division this season but I have faith that we will be back stronger than ever, just wait and see the Rise of The Croc. Hopefully my favourite hometown player Ashri Chuchu stay with the team and become better player for the club and National team.

                                                SARAWAK FC

          So I guees thats all from me and hopefully I'll be back sooner than later, insyaALLAH. So adios :)

                                          Good Bye haha

My Part Time Job

          It's been a while since the last time I took part time job during my semester break, the last time I work as part timer was during my form 4 end of year school holiday. Last semester break my friend, Azam, and I decided to take part time job to earn extra money for our long two month holiday. It wasn't easy to choose since we have too many option but finally we decided to choose Lea Sport Centre Sarawak Plaza Branch.

          At first I was a little bit nervous to start because its been a while and I'm not really good in interacting with people especially people that I just met. Azam start two days early than me so he the one who help me out adjusting my life in my new environment, thank you Azam haha. Apart from Azam, I also been helped by another four part timer that just finished their SPM Liyana,Adz,Niza and Pasha. They make life easy for me. Thanx guys haha. Ofcourse the permenent staff also help me out a lot, they taught me a lot of thing, they were really friendly and this is include my Supervisor, Shin, and our beloved manager, Abang Nick, who is also my former senior from SMK St. Joseph that I never meet haha.


        Just want to share a little bit about my Blog, its been a while since the first time I used this blog and there is still a lot of thing I still need to learn about how using this website. I still need to learn a lot in order to create better blog, no doubt about it. I doesn't have broadband anymore so I won't be really active writting here despite my interest and love in writing. But I will be really active during my semester holiday that is about one month and half from now I think so, by then you readers just have to wait before my next update that will take times or second or weeks or days or etc as I also doesn't know when haha. I think thas all for this column, so adios :)