Friday 31 August 2012


              I'm so happy that finally we went out together. Have a great dinner althought the food is not that great but spending time with you make other thing doesn't matter to me. But I would like to apologize if you feel awkward around me, maybe its my fault since I was too shy. I'm a shy person, after all  its my nature hahaha.

              Meeting you in person, talking to you and looking at you just make me wonder whether last night really happen or its only one of my dream, but deep down I know it is real, you are real, last night is real and because of that I sleep with a big smile on my face hahaha :p

              I thought we would only spend time on dinner but thanks to you because willing  to spend more time with me at crowded area, you know that place well so I don't need to mention it here haha. I have to say last night is miracle, something that I've dream for a long time. Thank you so much ALLAH S.W.T for making it happen for me, Alhamdulillah :)

             Each second, each moment, each breath, each courage I spend last night was spend well. You doesn't know how happy I'am haha and I do hope you also happy in return, I do hope you appreciate the time you spend for me last night and I do hope you enjoy it.

             I hope we can spend time like this again in the future althought I highly doubt it since we will be busy with our own business later and you will leave Kuching soon :( But theres nothing wrong with hoping and for your information I'm willing to spend any of my time for you regardless how busy I'am because you worth it, except when I have test,quiz and family matter, I know you would understand that :)

           I hope you don't read this or notice my blog because it would be embarrassing for me if that happen hahaha :p

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