Thursday 16 August 2012

The Truth

    I won't be around for a while, insyaAllah I'll be back. For a moment I would like to a share a little bit of truth to you, hopefully you read this as this is a word from my world. Before I know you, I met this one girl that I though was the one for me, I deeply care for her and I thought its will lasting but in the end I'm the one who get hurt. I can't blame her as I never tell her myself that I have feeling for her despite she already know about it. I try to move on and there she was back into my life, when thing start to go well she did it again, disappear right before my eye. Its really hurt, the first time it happen it affect my study and my social life badly, and again it happen again. Again I try to move on, and again she approach my life one more time. And again I accepting her in. Good thing we never been in relationship, I never been in a relationship and thats is the truth, its up to you whether to believe it or not. And again she did the same thing. You must wondering why I'm so stupid to let the same person do the same thing that hurt me over and over again right, well you not the first.

   Few of my close friend ask me the same thing, why I let her do that, why I still accept her after what she did over and over again, why I couldn't hate her. My answer is simple, I care for her,I have feeling for her. I will never hate her and never blame her for what she did. And my friend ask me, why i didn't try to move on with my life? My answer is as long as I didn't find someone that can make me forget het, erase my feeling for her I don't think I will able to move on.

   I met a lot of girls but none of them able to make me forget her until I met you, althought we rarely seen each other, althought we only spend time in virtual world but you manage to make me forget about her, I start to care for you, she try to approach me recently but i didn't give a crap about it because the feeling that I used to have for her is no longer there.

  Yes, I have a crush on you. I don't know if its more than that but guees what I hope it does. I don't know what you feel about me, but I want you to know I'll never have any intention to hurt your feeling. If I does, I'm really sorry. Maybe I did it accidently, after all I'm just human, I'm not perfect. I don't care if you say something that might hurt my feeling because the important thing it's wasn't you who get hurt. As long as you happy, I won.t mind what happen to me and thas is not a lie. But you must know this I'll put my family first before you and I'll put ALLAH S.W.T as my priority. I do believe you would do the same right.

   So I have to go now, insyaAllah I'll be back, and again I would like to apologize if my words and my action hurt your feeling. Trust me when I say I never have any intention to do that, my only intention is to make you happy. So my last word here is the good thing comes from ALLAH S.W.T and the bad things comes from my own weakness.

   P/S : sorry for my bad english and grammar. Still working on improving it. Assalammualaikum :)

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