Tuesday 14 August 2012

When I Start to Care

   Even if I didn't show it or I actually show it, I do care for those whom is in my life especially my mother, my father, my siblings, my auntie, all of my relative, my friends, my teachers and of course my crush. Althought I care for someone, I never encountered any problem with it unless for my crush. Because when I start to care for her, my feeling, my heart start to blind my judgement, my decision is based on my feeling and ofcourse my mood is affected along the way either. If I'm in "happy mode" those around me will noticed my happy attitude and received proper treatment from me but if I'm in "moody mode" those people will suffered along side with me. Lol, just kidding, they won't suffer but maybe will iritited with my attitude. This thing happen because I start to care, trust me when I say you don't want to be me when I start to care for a girl. Getting jealous when there is a guy poking around or twitting or chating with her, getting worried when she didn't reply my message, feeling lonely when didn't talk or texting/twitting/chating with her and etc.  

Thing were different when I didn,t care at all, I don't give a crap or hell with what she do, who is with her, who she talking to and so on. That time I was totally me I guess, but thing will change when I start to care, I become different person than I used to be and I don't know why I act that way. When ever I felt hurt, jealous or worried I always blame myself for letting my heart start to care for her, but when ever I felt happy I always praise my heart for care for her. I guess thats what normal people felt, but one thing for sure when I start to care I also hoping that she would also start to care for me the way I does for her. :)

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