Friday 31 August 2012


          I have a lot of thing I want to tell you but I just don't have the guts and courage to tell you yet. Not now but I'll tell you later. I don't know why I wrote this again, but I just want to wrote it so I wrote it. Your preety and cute face fill my mind all the time after last night and even your cute voice playing itself in my mind, like a song "Can't take my eye of you" but the difference is in my situation it was "Can't take my mind of you" hahaha :P

          If I was a song composer I will compose a lot of song about you, If I was a director I'll make a movie about you, If I was a poet I'll wrote a poem about you. Since I was a part-time newbie writer then I'll just wrote something about you like the one you reading now haha :P

          If I can choose my own destiny, my own fate then you will be part of it. I want you in it :p Good God what the hell is I'm bluffing here.. Sorry sometimes my hand move by its own and its was insturcted by the heart not the brain haha.. K, Bye :)

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